The US stock market has one of the highest returns for financial investments. Did you think there is an investment which could beat the stock market by far? Yes, there is. Here are three reasons why investing in your child’s preschool is better than the stock market. With most states launching programs for preschool children, Colorado is not left behind. Make sure to find a good Colorado Springs preschool for your child. Various studies show children attending pre-K has many proven benefits.
Preschool Investment Pays Off Long After
For the stock market, your investment is given every year. If you sell your stocks, you won’t gain any other returns other than the sale price. The economic conditions of the year will also help in determining the results. When you invest in your child’s preschool education, you are investing for full-time returns. Other benefits include a higher IQ, better health, reduced crime rates, as well as higher incomes and better decision making. A recent study indicates children who went through preschool performed skills better than their counterparts who did not.
High Return on Investment
Cost-benefit analysis proves early childhood investment yields big payoff. For every dollar invested in early childhood education, it gives back $10 in cost savings. This is for remedial education and economic justice. It is then coupled with more tax revenues and economic welfare. Over your child’s lifetime, it gives an adjusted annual return of 18% with a cumulative return of 900%. Early childhood education has led to other impacts such as more high school diplomas. The program improves their well-being in all aspects. This includes social skills, academics, economics, family, plus emotional and mental health.
Promoting Your Child’s Academics and Future
Investing in your child’s preschool education helps them to take control of their lives in adulthood. Their health, education, and social skills were better after early childhood education programs. Children who grow up in a disadvantaged environment learn a third of the words that a child from an advantaged environment does.
Preschool is effective in reducing the number of children who enter kindergarten unprepared. Continued learning from preschool to elementary helps increase academic excellence for your children. Addressing academic challenges is a goal of preschool programs. Returns on investments are the basic principle for the business financial and service industries. Investing in preschool programs exceeds the best of current investments in the stock market over the long-term.
Parental Engagement
Today, most parents give toys and online programs to stimulate their children. This is not bad at all, though it is insufficient. The best stimulation is a family which encourages their child to explore the world. They also support them when making mistakes and help learn from them.
The investment in preschool can be costly upfront, but it has an incredibly high return on investment later—and your child’s future deserves it.
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