Instead of having just a regular camera system, you are actually able to log in and check on your child throughout the day, using Watch Me Grow, Childcare’s #1 Streaming Video Service! This feature is also available for grandparents or other family who live out of state but still want to watch their babies learn and grow!
Our parents tell us that this gives them such peace of mind and joy seeing their child creating lasting friendships, playing and of course learning!
We have found that having this visual connection throughout the day helps to further learning, since you are able to see what your child is doing throughout the day.
Perks of Having Digital Daily Sheets
Any good partnership prospers most when what is being taught at school can be continued on at home!
The Lifecubby app, which our parents are able to download on their phones allows direct communication between parents and teachers! What an awesome way to keep communication strong!
Our teachers write each day’s lesson plans, create observations and assessments and send these out to you so you know exactly where your child is at developmentally and can work to make sure your kids will be more than ready for Kindergarten!