Communicating Is A Key Skill!
“It took my husband and I awhile to figure out that our daughter had been signing to us for weeks! THANKS YSA!”
-amanda, daughter age 2
Young Scholars Academy Helps Develop Your Child’s Communication Skills!
Here at Young Scholars Academy we utilize American Sign Language beginning in our Infant Program
We start with simple self-help words like “more, water, please and thank you, etc.” This allows for our teachers to have communication with our infants and toddlers since verbal skills aren’t quite yet developed yet. Our teachers can learn what your child is trying to tell them through American Sign Language.
At Young Scholars Academy not only do we seek to provide a great foundation for a solid Early Childhood Education, but it is the connections for a strong social-emotional well-being that take it to the next level!
American Sign Language helps to teach sensitivity to cultural and linguistic diversity as well as nurture an understanding of disabilities. When children are introduced to multiple mediums of communication at an earlier age, they have shown to have a greater range of verbal skills as they age!
ASL helps children with recognizing words that are used in the classroom on a daily basis.
Improved Communication In A Child Care Setting
Practicing A New Word!
When using ASL and pairing it with words, you are giving the child a tangible way of understanding and using words. Associating a word with a movement or action will help make that word known and easier to learn later.
The muscle memory involved with sign language also helps to stimulate other senses with growth and development!
Every two weeks we incorporate a new sign language word into the curriculum to focus on. Every week you can see in the Lifecubby app the curriculum goals and themes.
Continuing sign language in your home as well at school is a great way Young Scholars Academy can partner with you!
We would love the opportunity to show you further how the use of American Sign Language in our classrooms helps to create solid connections Young Scholars Academy has been known for!