I can’t STRESS this enough…

Just when you think you’re taking 2 steps forward you realize you’re actually taking 5 steps back…
Doesn’t this feel like a continuous thing in our daily lives? If it’s not one thing it’s another..am I right?
Far too often our eyes are bigger than our stomachs and we load our plate, realizing we are not going to eat all of that food! What I am starting to learn is that you have to slow down, enjoy the food that’s in front of you, finish it, and then decide if you’re ready for more.
Now take this analogy and apply it to other aspects of your life. “Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they started.” David Allen
We all have to do lists, we all want to check those things off our lists. but SLOW DOWN!! Create those lists, prioritize them by importance, start working on that list ONE task at a time!
I myself create lists all of the time, I also have a vision of completing the list but I want it done NOW! So I start the list and I jump from task to task-now my stress levels are through the roof! “Nothing is getting done…I don’t have enough time in the day… there is too much to get done… Ill never get this stuff done..”
And sometimes I am at a standstill with my list because life happens and I can’t cross that last task off my list then more thoughts start flowing. “what am I doing wrong… I should be doing this… I should have that… why am I not where I want to be?” All of these thoughts could be avoided by slowing down,
completing one task at a time, and managing your stress!
Maybe you didn’t complete that last task this time around but make a new list and don’t forget to add that task to it!! Just because it didn’t happen now doesn’t it mean it won’t happen later.
We all have our individual time clocks…tick tick tick…
Someone on your left could just be starting school while you just graduated, and the person on your right could have 20 years under their belt doing what they were bound to do. It doesn’t make any of you less successful, you are just working on your own journey at your own pace. So don’t compare to the person next door, compare to the person in the mirror. As long as you keep focused and striving towards your goals ONE step at a time then you will be successful.
“Rule #1: don’t worry about the small stuff
Rule #2: its all the small stuff”
We all have stress, some more than others, but it’s all how you handle it.
Here are a few ways to relieve stress:
1) Enjoy the moment
2) Vent to someone you trust
3) Slow Down (the more calm you are, the faster you get it done)
4) Listen to music
5) Hit the gym, change diet
6) Journal (self reflection questions)
7) Meditate (use candles, essential oils)
8) Take a bath (bath salts, essential oils)
9) check out beliefnet.com
Anything that will distract your mind for a moment, to get you to reevaluate the situation and to get you back on the right track!
“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.” -Hans Selye
Ms. Gina
Wellness Coordinator
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