To the parents that are all burnt out, this one’s for you!
You’re doing your best and often worried you’re still not cutting it…especially when you drop the ball on school events the day of!
We’ve all been there. Give yourself a break! You’re only one person raising another human or more than likely multiple humans; you’re outnumbered easily.
Here’s the secret though. You are the best! Why? Because you’re worried about this in the first place.
So here are 5 ways to show you’ve got your s*** together even when you secretly don’t…
#1 pick out everyone’s clothes for the week while putting away laundry. Pull out your handy dandy phone, peek at the week’s weather report and any emails reminding you of events to dress for.
#2 Set alarms on your phone and use that notepad app! It’ll be a lifesaver when you’re in the middle of the store wondering why you’re really there…pull out that phone. The “3am You” that remembers all will have a nice list waiting for you.
#3 Have that drink! Even if it is only Tuesday night. Celebrate the fact that you got everyone through the 1st two days, now slide through the rest like a champ.
#4 Stick to the bedtime schedule when you can, but when you can’t it’s fine. Life will continue to go on. Promise.
And #5 when it all becomes too much just let it go. That’s right, just let it go.
You’re doing great Mommys and Daddys! Give yourself the credit and a little more grace.
Ms. Brooke
Literacy Coordinator
Curriculum Coordinator
Lead Pre-Kindergarten Teacher