National Comic Book Day!
Thursday September 25 is National Comic Book Day! Here’s some fun facts about you might not know about comic books and their influence on Early Literacy.
- Comic books help stimulate the brain when reading, thus helping kids focus on what is happening in the text.
- Although children may recognize letters and know what sounds they make, comic books increase children’s ability to inference which can lead to increased comprehension scores in grade schools.
- Reading comic books can help children’s minds focus by following the pictures and text boxes in sequential order.
Well that’s all for now, we are off, off, and away!
Family Goal Motivation Tips
If your family has set out to achieve some kind of goal together, only to abandon it due to lack of motivation, there are a number of tips that can help to make sure that you will be able to stay motivated next time around.
Remembering the reason why your family made that goal in the first place is very important. Goals are created because we want to change something about our lives. Families often set goals that would enable them to strengthen their relationships by spending more time together, so keeping that in mind can be a big help when it comes to sustaining motivation.
All goals take lots of little steps to achieve. If the end result seems a long way away keep focused on the smaller individual steps while remembering that goals take time to bring to fruition. Be proud of and celebrate every step that you successfully accomplish and be patient with one another.
Talk Like a Pirate!
Avast ye mateys! It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrrrrrgh!
All of our kids were super excited to celebrate “National Talk Like a Pirate Day!” Our kids were so funny referring to each other as “mateys” while in Dramatic Play and trying to eat their lunch with their pirate hooks!
We are excited that our second year of this dress up day was such a success! Sea you later!
We are NAEYC Accredited!

for your child’s future!!
Young Scholars Academy is proud to announce our recent accreditation by NAEYC!
“NAEYC strives to raise the quality of education for all children from birth through age eight. Accreditation systems are major part of NAEYC’s efforts to improve early childhood education; they allow programs to provide the best learning experiences for young children and their educators by meeting national standards of quality.”
The accrediting process is rigorous, and this is definitely a huge honor! A giant thank you to our staff for all their hard work and dedication to improving early childhood education at YSA!