Our Pre-Kindergarten Program Has
Plenty Of Hands-On Discovery!

The Prekindergarten Program (or Pre-K) at Young Scholars Academy expands on the children’s interests and skills, as well as, their natural curiosity. Our program allows your child to expand on their individual interest and knowledge by using self-directed and self-correcting material.
Our Child Development Specialists provide teacher-directed activities to obtain the maximum growth and development for the children.
The Young Scholars Academy Pre-kindergarten program provides age appropriate learning centers for four-year olds. At this level of learning, hands-on discovery is still very important.
Academic Centers
The “Learning Centers” at Young Scholars Academy are very well equipped centers of special age appropriate activities. These “Learning Centers” are set up for two to three children to enjoy and share, for small group learning. They include:
- Math Concepts & Numbers
- Nature/ Science Experiments, Exploring, And Cooking Projects
- Family Incorporation
- Library & Daily Reading
- Diversity acceptance through many books, pictures of ages, races, genders, and abilities.
- Pre-reading and Pre-writing Activities for Reading and Writing Readiness
- Child Directed Art Projects and Crafts
- Large and Small Manipulative’s, such as Blocks to encourage Fine and Gross Motor skills
- Music and Dramatic Play
- Language Arts along with Journals and Workbooks
- Sensory Stimulation
- Technology learning
- Area of softness which have space for privacy/ quiet time
Our Curriculum
One of the most essential pieces to our program is in fact our curriculum, and we believe we have picked out the absolute very best one! We use Creative Curriculum, a nationally-recognized curriculum program that focuses on getting the kids involved rather than teaching at them.
This program helps foster a teacher and their own creativity and pair it with the core concepts and standards which children will need by the time they reach grade school. Follow and learn more about the Creative Curriculum program piece here!

Balanced Schedules
With schedules which allow for a balance of active and quiet activities, your Pre-kindergarten child thrives in orderly, kid friendly and well-organized classrooms.
Participating in whole-group, teacher-directed, and skill-building learning experiences helps to reinforce the learning acquired and expand their educational foundation.
Writing Skills
One of every parent’s worries is pre-writing skills. These skills include having your child learn to hold a pencil correctly, writing their name, and starting to recognize both letters and numbers.
Now keep in mind that every child is different but exercises are set in place into daily curriculum for the kids to strengthen their motor skills and thus handwriting. Teaching your child the skills and information they need to be successful in kindergarten and beyond is the goal of everyone at Young Scholars Academy!