Children and parents alike enjoy the upcoming season of summer. Ahhh, glorious sunny days, warm weather, and no school. Taking special time with family becomes a priority, as it should!
However, learning shouldn’t fall behind in the process. Let’s discuss some shocking stats!
On average, students lose 2 months of reading skills over the summer. Children are at risk of losing more than just academic knowledge during the summer.
- 2.6 months of math skills are lost.
- Physical fitness levels also take a hit.
- 6 weeks of the beginning of school is spent relearning things from the previous year!
(CLICK HERE to read more for yourself!)
With this in mind please consider the academic part of your child’s life. Many things can be done during the summer to incorporate family fun with continued education.

Take trips to the library. If you are going on a trip encourage them to read and learn about the area you will be visiting. Have a summer reading challenge program with a cool reward to receive when the goal is meet.
Involve the children in the grocery shopping. Give them a budget. Have them make a list to shop for a couple meals then let them work it out. While driving in the car play counting games. Assign car colors to the children and see who can find the most of their color.
Tablets can be useful for more than games. Ask them questions about trips you are making, or even random ideas and have them look for the answers.
Children work so hard during the school year. Much of what they learn is retained through repetition. That practice goes away for many during the summer. It can be hard and hurt their self esteem to go back to school the next year and they realize they have forgotten things they worked so hard to achieve. The best suggestion we have is to use activities as a learning purpose. Keep in mind these stats as we all head into the summer with full steam!
Learning can be a fun way to keep connected to your children!
–Ms. Dotty G.
NAEYC Coordinator
Lead Jr. Kindergarten Teacher
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