What is wellness in the workplace? “Workplace wellness is any workplace health promotion activity or organizational policy designed to support healthy behavior in the workplace and to improve health outcomes.”

I struggled a bit with this new position as Wellness Coordinator only because I am one to want to help everyone. To boost their moods and help make everyone’s day but a wise woman once told me, “you can’t fix anyone.” You can try and help by giving them the tools but everyone gets through matters their own way so it might not always work.
So, I learned to accept that and did what I could for those who may have wanted or needed the boost. With my amazing co wellness coordinator, we came up with activates to get the entire YSA team involved to try and keep up the morale of the building.
We are a strong group of ladies, so there weren’t too many days when we NEEDED the boost – but who doesn’t love fun and games at work, just because? We had a variety of activities to meet all aspects of wellness; personal, mental, physical. We did things for individuals going through tough times, we had activities just for fun, to lift negative moods or mindsets flowing throughout the building, and we even had friendly competitions to stay fit. All of that to hold one another accountable and be there for one another.
But something about working at Young Scholars Academy made my job that much easier. How many people do you know who absolutely hate their job? Who dread going to work? Who are constantly talking about work drama?
I am one who doesn’t have that problem. I love going to work, I love who I work with and I leave any drama at the door. But no really, I consider YSA and the people in it, family; from the team, the parents, and the children. You create these connections that will last a lifetime and you meet people who will help you through anything. We have each others’ backs here at YSA and that helps the workplace wellness across the boards. Are we perfect? GOODNESS NO. But we keep our heads up and push through any setback together as a group.
So how is that workplace wellness? Well what is wellness? Wellness is “the state of being in good health in body and mind.” Well how do you define good health; “free from disease and pain, enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, and spirit.” So, you see, enjoying where you work decreases the stress and increases positive moods and behavior. Promoting good health through different activities is just a boost to keep that positivity alive or even to take a step back to reevaluate what needs to happen at a certain point.
Given the opportunity as wellness coordinator, I have reevaluated myself a lot and see the changes I need to make to reach certain goals to obtain my personal wellness. I encourage new coworkers and friends to make this evaluation for themselves as well. Best of luck!
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