Looking for something fun to do with the holidays in these interesting times?
Countdown each day of December with a new book. They can be any book, or you can do holiday themes only. If you keep with holiday themes you can always store these with the Christmas decorations to reuse the books for following years. I did this last year and didn’t even remember doing this at all, let alone what the books were Ha- so it just might work well if you were hesitant of reusing books.
The way this works is your child(dren) get to open one book each day in December. It’s an interactive advent calendar if you want to use it that way too (number your books to use as a calendar).
If you can keep up, wrap one book each night before you go to bed. If you know yourself well enough then set aside some time to wrap each book all at once. The long Thanksgiving weekend would be a good time to get that jump started. Keep this in mind for next year, as I know you are already reading this too late. So, this year wrap the couple that you need to get through the week. Wrap the rest on your next day off or if you’re feeling super energized while watching the new Grey’s whip it out then!
You can do this in addition to your Elf on the Shelf. He can be holding your new book each morning with his shenanigans or use it to your advantage and the game can be to find where the Elf has hidden the book each day. He can leave a clue. You’re welcome, just gave you all your Elf days if you are struggling to keep up.
All jokes aside, this is a really great way to get your kiddos reading through the holiday season. It is a great tradition and fun for the whole family. It isn’t too much extra work because you are usually reading a bedtime story anyway or doing the Elf on the Shelf or an advent calendar, or all three…so might as well cut yourself some extra time in the Christmas pie. I hope this sounds like a fun addition to your holiday traditions.
Ms. Brooke
Lead Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Curriculum & Literacy Coordinator
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