The Summer Camp class Safari had a lot going on with their curriculum, and this gem came out of the classroom last week!
With their overall curriculum theme being “Insects” and a side lesson of the kids studying different textures and tastes, our amazing teachers went ahead and incorporated both!
Here are the steps used; this would be a great activity for a camping trip, a night around the camp fire or if you’re just feeling crafty!
- 1 bag of Jumbo marshmallows
- Paint (assorted colors)
- Paint Brushes & Paper
Instead of using the paint brush as you would normally, have your kids put the marshmallows on the other end! Pour paint onto plates or bowls so the kids have access to multiple options. Now to allow creativity to happen we recommend you pull up a picture of a caterpillar or some other insect (if your child wants) and have them create it! They will make it look as they see fit, and that’s the beauty of it all!
Just something super easy and super cute, plus you’ll have more than enough marshmallows so be sure to make s’mores for some S’MORE memories (ha get it?!)
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